Worthy Organs

It’s in a man’s nature to risk the things he loves
But pity, little boy, one day this nature will reap a hefty price
You are loath to pay.
There’s resplendent irony in
Desperately desiring devotion from others
While being so laughably steeped in commitment phobia yourself.

Hypocrisy can be so cruelly careless
When your actions bleed through the veracity of your words,
When you flout your journey to the here and now,
When you forget your place,
And choose to hurt the ones
Least deserving of it
And selfishly seek salvation of the flesh
On greener shores.

Careful, careful, little boy,
These games you like to play
With worthy organs full of love.
There’s retribution of the universe
Hidden beneath your filth, your sin
Patiently awaiting its day to come out and play.


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